Oddset; Gambling with Sports in Germany

The German lottery has many branches out of which one of these branches is called Oddset. Oddset is the gambling game that surrounds itself with team sports and individual sports. The German gambling lotteries are all controlled by the government and thus every branch of lottery is also responsible for educating the masses about gambling addiction and its prevention. We will now introduce the branch Oddset and its features so that you will be able to join the gambling frenzy in Germany.

Since gambling in Germany is monopolized, Oddset never really had any direct competitor and has generous incomes each year. This aids the government and the businesses that provide Oddset bets. Every state and city of Germany has at least two Oddset stations and you can also bet with Oddset in any place where they accept Lotto bets. These places have to be assigned and almost all magazine stands serve with Lotto and Oddset services.

The Oddset tickets look similar to the Lotto tickets because the gambling and lottery system in Germany is unified with the same recognition machine that is being used to process the gambling tickets. You can have different rates for different games. The minimum is usually ten euro for a minimum bet, you some even allow five euro. You have different gambling options available for Oddset betting, because the payout depends on the exact score of the team. So for example it is not quite enough to just bet that one soccer team will win, but you have to gamble specifically on the score.

Once you have grabbed your lottery ticket, you can gamble for as low as seven euro for the score of 1:0, eight euro for the result of 2:0 and so on. The results that you can gamble on are already printed on the ticket and the most probable result also has the highest wager. The wagers can even go up to 50 euro for a gambling bet of 5:0 for example. You can either bet for one game only, or you can even bet for the whole league period which means that your wager will also be higher.

Oddset is supporting sports such as the German Bundesliga which is the German soccer federation and only games played by the German teams can be gambled on with Oddset. Oddset also supports the Formula 1 since the winning streaks of Michael Schumacher who was a German Formula 1 racer. Another sport that can be bet on is Tennis.

With sports gambling, Oddset has already made millions in Germany and continues to draw in more and more Germans every day.
